The popular television show Shark Tank which shows real deals made with real investors live on air has been increasing in popularity every season. Applicants can spend years on end trying to get onto the “Tank”. They only have a few moments to present their pitches and make a deal. If the sharks love it, they will make an offer, if they hate it, they will leave the Tank with nothing but really good exposure for their products or services.
During the seasons of Shark Tank there have been some amazing backpacks featured on the show. While there really are too many to mention, there are certain episodes and backpacks which really are worth mentioning. Here are some of the best Shark Tank Backpacks in no particular order.
Best Shark Tank Backpacks
1. Co.alition Smart Backpack
The company Co.alition entered the Shark Tank in season 7. In fact, to be precise it was episode 716. Jeff Popp and Casey Lorenzen who are the founders pitched their company Co.alition, which is a very interesting and unique line of super smart backpacks.
These backpacks target the urban tech based consumer. The primary features of these bags are that they are built specifically for storing and charging electrical devices. In addition, they are built with very thick padding which makes provisions for the safety of laptops and electronic devices which are being carried on the go.
The fun does not stop there; these backpacks have been designed to run your own Wi-Fi hotspot with the use of these bags. Different models exist, ranging from the 500GB, 1TB or even 2TB of storage space available.
Popp describes the backpack as:” “It’s like a personal cloud office that goes everywhere you do and doesn’t require a computer. With the combination of a computerized power supply and a wireless mobile hard drive, integrated into the bag, it gives users’ mobile devices more of power, storage and computing ability while on the move.”
They range from $179 – $479 in price obviously depending on the model and range which you select. This is a moderate price for these bags which look great and also allows you to have your own charging power on the “go”. The hard drives are fully integrated and you can charge the backpacks by simply plugging them into the wall.
The Pitch

They were seeking $200K for a 20% stake in their company. They had sold 500 backpacks in 7 months, their margins in profit range from 50 to 70 percent. Their profits thus far were 100k. The biggest problem was not with their product, but rather with their pitch. They mentioned their other company MHM which was making big amounts in profits. Their total sales with the backpacks alone were 500k which definitely shows proof of concept.
Mark thought they should grow their new company Co.alition as a product with their other company and for that reason he went out immediately. Robert agreed with Mark and went out too.
Daymond loved the idea completely and after all he is the fashion icon man so his opinion really does matter. Unfortunately even though he said that he understood exactly what they were trying to do, he questions if they could be creating something new or not. He thinks they are very close to developing something amazing but he doesn’t feel they are quite there yet and for that reason he went out. He said that he felt really tempted by their offer and clearly appreciated their unique product.
Lori the queen of QVC thought that the price points of the bags were too expensive and thus she went out. Lori was also concerned that people would rip off the backpack and make it themselves. Kevin O’Leary also known as “Mr. Wonderful “was willing to give them a chance provided that they offered him both companies. They countered with an offer of $300K for 30% of the total company: MHM and CO.Alition, which Kevin was not happy with and he went out.
The Outcome
Even though they did not get a deal their product line is doing very well. They are available for purchase on Amazon and directly off their website. This is in addition to other avenues for sale. They seem to be moving along swiftly but it still does remain a mystery what the future will hold. They do have an excellent product there is no denying that, however how it will affect their fist company and vice versa only time will tell.
My Opinion
I love these backpacks as a geeky tech nerd I am always on the hunt for charges and Wi-Fi and these would suit my preferences. It is always a concern that my laptop might get damaged on the go and this would be ideal for my needs. I think that a high price point is actually well worth it. If you think about the salaries that tech professionals make, they definitely can afford it. Plus lowering the price would actually detract from the quality. Instead of lowering the price I would add in some different outer layer decorations such as patterns, themes and colors.
For example I would totally be more inclined to buy one of these backpacks if they had a Simpsons Theme or even better The Big Bang Theory or something equally as cool. These are so trendy, innovative and cool; however I do agree with the sharks that there is definitely room for expansion and improvement. One feature that I would love to see on a Co.alition backpack is a solar panel. I’ve reviewed some of the best solar panel backpack and believe solar panel backpack is the next big thing.
If I had to give them a star rating out of 5, I would probably give them a 3.
2. Taaluma Totes Backpacks
The Taaluma Totes backpacks are durable, strong backpacks with a unique edge to them. Taaluma Totes are an exciting range of backpacks from different countries all over the word. Each backpack is tailor made with fabric of the specific country which it represents. Each backpack is perfectly embodied with the native country on the back of the backpack.
The idea is that you always carry around the world with you wherever you go. This business was started by a couple Jack and Ali. The idea came to them during a trip to Rwanda during the summer holidays from college.
They were in Rwanda at the time to volunteer and have a holiday. They both couldn’t help but notice the beautiful fabrics which were all around them. Ali picked out her favorite fabric and she found a local seamstress to create a dress for her. Jack was very jealous of the dress and as he obviously could not wear a dress he came up with the idea of the backpack.
Jack Dufour and Alley Heffren appeared on episode 617 of Shark Tank. They were seeking $110,000 for 15% equity. They handed out their backpacks to the sharks and they were loved by everyone.
Backpack Concept
The fundamental concept behind their backpacks which they share when they told their story to the sharks is that their business concept is totally unique. Each backpack is unique and a limited edition because the fabrics are only sold in very small quantities. They obtain their fabrics in developing countries and then ship them to America, where they are sewn into backpacks.
The work is done by disabled women and 20 percent of all profits generated are provided to farmers in developing countries via a macro loan. After the loans have been repaid, they purchase more fabric and start again. Their goal is to connect cultures together and they had made $60K in 10 months.
They were looking for a shark to partner with in order to assist them in helping them business scale quickly. At the same time, they also were looking for capital to grow their ambassador program at their local university.
The Pitch

Robert loved the product; however he thinks that they are too early and for that reason he went out. Daymond loved the bags, but felt that they should sell it for $100, not $65. All the sharks really loved the design of the bags and the concept behind it.
Unfortunately Mark saw it more as a product as opposed to a company and therefore he went out. Lori loved the idea but thought that they would go a lot further if they figured things out on their own accord. Daymond loved it but went out because he said their margins were nowhere near big enough for him to invest and make a profit. Mr. Wonderful felt that they did value the company correctly and therefore he went out.
The Outcome
Even though they did not get a deal after Shark Tank they sold so many backpacks that they couldn’t even keep up with demand. It got to a point where they were not able to fulfill the orders and people were kept waiting for months on end to receive their bag after they had paid. However in the end everyone received their bags and was really happy. They are definitely growing in size and are making a huge impact in the world.
My Opinion
I love the idea of being able to carry around a backpack that tells a story from another country. I do think that the Sharks and everyone has actually left out an important part which is that this could be a collector’s item. Many like me would want a collection of backpacks from different countries and I would definitely not only want one. Thus, I disagree with the Sharks that the price point is too low because from a consumers perspective the price point is perfect and it means that people can afford to buy multiple bags. What type of people you ask? People like me of course.
Many different uses
These backpacks are awesome for absolutely anything and they are super fun. People would wear it around the mall, on a hike, to the beach and I would definitely take it with on a holiday. I really was rooting for these guys and I was quite disappointed that they did not receive a deal. They earn my respect big time for making use of disabled women to create these, they deserve to make it big in my opinion because they are already giving back. Taahuma deserve major points for innovation and creativity, plus it is super cool that they are helping the farmers with loans. It is also super cute the story behind it and I like the idea that a couple is doing it. My hope is that they become a huge success story and that their love grows from strength to strength.
Hopefully one day they will get married and have children, when their company is a booming success. They can tell the world how they went from “bags to riches” because of appearing on Shark Tank; let’s face it that is totally awesome.
If I had to give them a star rating out of 5, I would probably give them a 4.
3. Fire Fighter Turn Out Bags
Firefighter Turnout Bags are a series of bags including backpacks which makes use of a very unique business concept. They are made by the use of expired, firefight gear and then recycled into stylish and durable bags and backpacks. There are hundreds of designs to choose from. They range in price from $65 to $315.
These bags are ideal for everyday use and they are great because they can withstand almost anything. After protecting fireman in the local community they definitely have a story to tell. You could be walking around with a backpack which has material on it from a real life superhero.
The Pitch

The first item was created by making use of her husband’s offcuts from his firefight coat. Niki and Matt Rasor came into Shark Tank on Season 8 – Episode 16. They requested $250,000 for 33 percent equity in their business. After struggling and making various business mistakes they finally were at a good point and were back on track.
They achieved a total of $194,000 in sales last year. Kevin O’Leary was under the impression that they required a manager to run their business. His thinking was that he was concerned about their intentions to scale their business and make use of material which was less authentic. For these reasons and more he went out.
Due to the various challenges in this business even though they loved the ideas and the products, Daymond John and Mark Cuban also go out. Robert loved the idea so much that he did something which is barely ever seen in The Tank. He offered to buy the entire business for $500,000.
The Outcome
Lori on the other hand really saw their vision and passion. She offered $250,000 for 50 percent and she further suggests that they donate a percentage of the profits to various firefighter charities. They accepted the offer. This deal took place fairly recently and it will be very interesting to see and watch the growth of this partnership and company.
My Opinion
I actually loved this concept the best out of all the backpacks. It was my favorite backpack idea of all time. It was such a novel and cool concept and I could totally picture myself walking around with a backpack made from material that was on a real life super hero. I would buy one of these backpacks in 3 seconds honestly they are so cool.
I love the idea that money given to firefighter organizations as Lori suggested this makes me want to buy one even more. There are so many designer backpack brands out there that they are actually very boring. Wearing a funky and strong backpack which has a story behind it and has meaning would be fantastic.
I am personally sick to death of my backpacks not lasting me as long as I want them to. If you buy cheap ones they break if you buy expensive ones they break, so this seems like the best option for me. I have a feeling that one of these would give me many many years of happiness. I love the fact that they are very strong as I don’t need to worry about them getting rained on and damaged.
If I had to give them a star rating out of 5, I would probably give them a 5.
4. Rareform Backpack
Rareform backpack repurposes billboard vinyl into amazing bags and backpacks. They are durable, trendy, lightweight, waterproof and even eco-friendly. Products range from $28 for phone cases to $112.Their backpacks range in cost from between $70 and $120 .The company was created by brother Aric and Alec Avedissian.
The concept came about when brothers realized how many thousands of billboard vinyl’s were being thrown out every year into landfills. After a trip to El Salvador after they saw locals making use of vinyl’s for housing and this is when their idea came into motion.
Their items are all unique and one of kind. You will not be able to find two backpacks which are exactly the same. They also partner with athletes and the top digital enthusiasts in order to spread the word online and help them to grow their brand. Even though they had taken a loss the year before they had reached staggering heights of 1.1 million dollars in sales in their three years of business.
The Pitch

They appeared on The Tank in season 8 episode 19. They were seeking $300,000 for 10 percent equity in their company. All of the sharks loved the concept, however Mark Cuban thought it would be difficult to tell their story behind the company and their unique selling points. Therefore Mark Cuban went out and so did Barbara Corcoran due to concerns about scalability.
Robert loved the idea too but went out and so did Lori Greiner. Even though Lori really loved the eco friendless of the products she was worried about the fact that each design was unique. She thought this could be a problem in the future.
Kevin O’Leary came in and offered 300,000 as debt at eight percent interest over 36 months for 10 percent equity. Due to this being Shark Tank, they countered the offer to 15 percent straight equity. Kevin said that if the deal was only being offered in terms of equity he would ask for 40 percent. They agreed and accepted his original offer.
The Outcome
After they had made the deal with Kevin and appeared on shark Tank they got in a flood of sales which made them more in one week than their total online sales from the year before. They had very big responses and sales were booming. Although this was a fairly recent episode of Shark Tank, only time will tell how successful they will really be. However judging from their response and their amazing deal with Kevin, the chances are very high that they will turn out to be another Shark Tank success story.
My Opinion
I love things which are eco-friendly so I personally love these. Plus the fact that Rareform backpacks are waterproof makes it one of the best waterproof backpack you can find in the market. They look super solid which is very promising and the designs are awesome. I think these two guys are actually geniuses as they really came up with a great idea using products which cost them nothing. They are super smart business entrepreneurs in my opinion and I would expect their bags to be rock solid and durable.
Their designs were so cool that I actually wished I could feel one. These bags were the only bags on the show that I really longed to touch and feel. I am still dying to know what one of these bags actually feels like. They did an excellent job convincing me that if I bought one of these bags they would be totally unique and they would last me a lifetime. They had some super funky designs and patterns on them and they had some more ordinary plain ones too.
My only criticism of these bags is that I wish they had more female orientated colors and patterns available. It seemed to me that they are more a male dominated brand and are targeting the surfing communities of the world. I would have loved to have seen some purples, pinks and more feminine ranges available. I also think some smaller kid’s backpacks for school would be really cool. If I had to give them a star rating out of 5, I would probably give them a 4.
Which Shark Tank Backpacks are your favorite?
So there you have it; my pick of some of the best shark tank backpacks ever featured on the show. Do you agree with my pick? Or maybe you have your own personal favorite. Whatever it is, let me know by commenting below.
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