It’s not unusual to hear people comment on how they acquired an item that was cheap and to praise that same item for being almost as good as a similar but more expensive one.
Well, this may be so in some cases but it’s certainly not going to take you far if the item at the question is a backpack. There are reasons why the most expensive backpacks are also the ones that are better established in the market.
Truth is, with higher prices usually comes quality, durability, functionality and the best of all — style. Yes, most of all, buying expensive is a declaration of style.
Think of all the names you remember when you hear the words “expensive bag”. That’s right, you probably remember a few brands. Which makes the point. Expensive is always better. The only problem is we may not always have enough saved to buy what we want. But we generally would like to buy expensive.

The Most Expensive Backpacks In The World
It’s pretty obvious these aren’t for just anyone. Unless you have a few thousands of dollars laying around which you would be happy to throw in the direction of a new backpack, these may be off-limits to the common of citizens in this world. Let’s take a quick look at some of the most expensive backpacks in the world.
We couldn’t really start anywhere else. If the subject of our analysis has to do with fashion in any way and most people can’t afford it, it’s probably a good idea to mention Channel.
Their lambskin backpack has been the first choice for many, over handbags or even purses. More than a school bag, it’s the perfect fashion statement, no matter how old you are.
The face patch backpack has had a tremendous acceptance by the public. However, there are others that also have a say, if the discussion is about style. This black leather backpack for women is a favorite of ours. It can easily replace any purse or bag, just like the Channel. Even on a night’s out.
There are a lot of backpacks to go for if Givenchy is the brand in your mind. This fashion house is no newbie when it comes to creating some of the most stylish backpacks in the market. If so many actors in Hollywood are using the brand’s backpacks I guess it pretty much sums it up.
You didn’t think they were only about pullovers and clothing items, did you? Yeap, they also make accessories and this awesome backpack is not only good looking, it’s also a very reliable item in terms of durability and organization. It can serve both men and women and it’s just overall a great pick if the intention is to go a bit discreet.
Perhaps one of the most eccentric in the list of eccentric backpacks. The brand has been known for its unique designs and this is another example on the craftmanship the brand has to offer.
Very simple, yet it finds a way to stand out in any situation, due to the yellow marks stamped in the pattern. A backpack to cause envy to most.
Aren’t they too expensive?
That really depends on how you value your image. In today’s world, we know it’s of the utmost importance to impress, either for business reasons or social purposes. People are constantly trying to find ways in which they can stand out and make an impression. This is where these luxurious backpacks come in. They can help you stand out, just by the style they will imprint in your figure. And your success from then on becomes easier.
In this sense, they are worth the buck. Because they can act as an investment for you to achieve greater things. Just think of this, if it helps you get a better job isn’t the backpack sort of paying for itself already, regardless of the cost?
It’s, after all, helping you build a career. And it’s a status item. People will respect you, or at least look up to you, for the sheer fact of having a backpack. It’s actually quite impressive what one item can achieve, if you think of it.
People using these Most Expensive Backpacks
From Hollywood actors to the fashion industry’s créme de la créme, many are the famous people showing up in public with these backpacks. Some of the women include Miley Cirus, Sharon Stone, Claudia Schiffer and Hale Berry.
These have all been photographed in public wearing one of the amazing brands we described above. Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves, and Daniel Craig are a couple of the men known to be fans of backpacks. Keanu is frequently seen in the New York subway carrying an Oakley backpack, even though this one is not on the list.
Point is, famous people stick to these backpacks for a reason. They are extraordinary when it comes to quality, but they are more important than that because of the status they imprint on those who wear them. Truth is people who tried these backpacks rarely go back to the normals inexpensive ones. And this happens for a reason.
It doesn’t end here — it just starts

If you think these backpacks are too expensive for your purse, don’t give up. There are options in which you can acquire them, regardless. Of course, the simplest, yet not so easy, the solution is to start saving money at once so you can buy one when you gathered enough. But this takes a long time and it might be extremely difficult to achieve.
Another option is to surf the internet searching for giveaways or other types of contests. It’s never a bad idea to participate, who knows you might very well be the lucky one.
I know people who did great using this method and they managed to compile a pretty fashionable wardrobe thanks to it. Do your research, and you may be surprised by the kind of things you can achieve online. So go for it, don’t give up and good luck in getting one of these backpacks.
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