There you are, sitting on the couch, well into your sixth hour of Call of Duty when the doorbell rings, forcing you to get up. Lethargically, you get up and go down the stairs to the front door, signed for the pizza you ordered (the third this week) and head back to the land of headshots and killstreaks.
Lethargically, you get up and go down the stairs to the front door, signed for the pizza you ordered (the third this week) and head back to the land of headshots and killstreaks.
On your way back up the stairs, you begin to notice your breath shortening and coming in quick bursts while your heart starts beating a little faster than it should for one flight of stairs. You plop back down on the couch puffing for air with sweat forming on your brow.
The first step to solving any problem is admitting there is one and at this particular moment, you finally admit there is one.
It’s time to make a change but where to start?

Cheap and Easy Fitness Regime
Besides a select few of us, running drudges up memories of high school PE class and that one kid who always seemed to think the warm-up run was the gold medal race in the Olympics.
That being said, the most common options for getting back into shape are generally a little too expensive for those of us on a budget. Crossfit, yoga, Mixed Martial Arts, and gym memberships have steadily increased in price and can be socially intimidating.
So if you’re looking for an inexpensive way to exercise and lose a few pounds, the best option is to run. After learning to walk, running is one of the most natural movements humans know. We know how to run and need very little if any, extra knowledge. The only thing you need is a pair of shoes, some shorts and maybe a running backpack.
Run Commuting
A very popular method to get to work is to run or cycle every day and has been growing in popularity over the last few years.
Run commuting has a lot of positive outcomes for your metabolism, endurance, and overall psychological health. Not to mention the amount of money you can save on gas or public transportation costs.
There’s also a positive impact on the environment as more and more people choose to run instead of public transportation or personal cars. Using fewer overall automobiles reduces the amount of Carbon Monoxide in the environment.
In short, run commuting can have positive effects for you and the people around you. So do yourself and the environment a favor and start running to work every day.
How to start run commuting?
Below are some tips on how to make run commuting a regular part of your everyday life.
1. Set a Goal

Before starting any new exercise regimen, it’s best to set a goal or a certain outcome in order to keep yourself motivated and give you something to work for.
If you’re new to running set a goal to run an entire 5K without stopping to walk and build from there. After you’ve completed a 5K run a 10K or beat your time from the previous 5K.
As long as you have a goal in mind and are committed to completing that goal, you’ll be more likely to continue to make progress when training becomes difficult or mundane. Set your goal before you start training so you have a reason to get up and run or exercise in the morning.
Just be sure when you set your goal not to bite off more than you can chew and set realistic goals.
2. Make a Plan
Once you have your goal set, it’s time to make a plan and start getting to work and I don’t just mean how many miles and how many days per week you want to run. There are logistical aspects you need to take into consideration before you start to make sure your training doesn’t interfere with the rest of your life.
First and foremost, you won’t be running in your work clothes unless you work at a Nike or Adidas store. So you’ll need a change of clothes when you get to work which can be done in a couple of ways.
If you have a locker or an office where you work, you can bring clothes a day or two before you start your training. Then you can run to and from work without having to carry them with you when you run, just don’t forget your shoes.
If you don’t have a locker or the thought of wearing the same pair of clothes for two or three days at a time grosses you out, you can carry your clothes in a Deuter running backpack and run with it.
This has the advantage of slightly increasing the intensity of your run, helping you progress just a little bit faster. However, you need to take some precaution when running with a backpack.
3. Plan your route

Another thing you’ll have to think of is the route you’ll want to run and any secondary routes to keep you from getting bored. The route should be just long enough to push you a little bit but not so long it takes you hours to get to and from work.
The route will also determine how much earlier you’ll have to leave for work and how much longer it’ll take you to get home. These are just the basics but the point is to consider everything beyond just the running and exercising portion of run commuting.
4. Build Up
A common mistake for anyone starting a new training regimen is to do too much too quickly either leading to injuries or discouragement from lack of progress. The best thing to do is start small and slowly increase.
One of the best ways to increase and build your endurance is to set a schedule for a week, in other words, start with one or two days a week and gradually increase from there.
Don’t forget, as, with everything worth having, exercise progress takes time and can’t be built in a day. You can’t really go from sitting on the couch for hours at a time to running a marathon the next week.
Take your time and build up.
5. Don’t Get Discouraged
There comes a time when any training regimen will become monotonous and you just won’t feel like working out that day or that week. It’s normal.
It’s important to push through these phases in order to maintain your progress and keep building for your goals.
There’s no cut and dry answer for exercise woes and everyone has to find their own way to grind through the hard times of an exercise program. Just remember the goal you set and ask yourself if you’d be happier giving up on that goal or accomplishing it.
You are ready to run to work

There you go, there are a few tips to help you start commuting by running and getting you off the couch. If you have any other tips or program ideas, let us know in the comments section.
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