If you’re in some way a business person and you are a backpack fan when it comes to commuting purposes, you may find yourself in situations when you don’t realize a simple item you could have been carrying in your business backpack could have helped you greatly.
You see, many people look at their backpacks and don’t remember that other than carry your laptop and cables, they can also be serving other purposes.
To help you understand what is meant, a business backpack checklist of the top ten essential items any executive, young or old, should be carrying in his or her commuting backpack can be found below.
Keep in mind these are for everyday situations and they can even be items you should consider carrying even if you are not commuting with a backpack, executive or not.
So what are the top ten essentials for any executive backpack?
10 Items on Your Business Backpack Checklist

Some people think of executives and they think of contracts, fancy ties, and dinners at expensive restaurants or meetings at rooftop penthouses. But it ain’t exactly so, as many of us are actually executives without the perks of Hollywood movie.
And most of us do take the subway to work, instead of riding a limo. We even carry our lunches. What other items do we carry that turn to be awesome in a different number of situations? Here is the business backpack checklist:
Yeap. Most people don’t remember this, but it’s actually a great idea to keep some spare, or reserve, money in your backpack for those situations when you ran out of cash and you are nowhere near an ATM machine. Remember to refill when you use it, it comes very, very handy to have it there.
If you are working all day, every day, you are more prone to migraines and headaches than you think. Keeping a tablet of Paracetamol and other generic meds can help you survive the day. If you’re a guy, it’s maybe also not a bad idea to have a condom at hand. Better safe than sorry, right?
For those situations when you need to sign something, sketch directions for someone to reach somewhere, take note of someone’s phone number or email address, or even just doodle away at that boring business presentation. It doesn’t take any space, and it’s kind of crucial to have, if you’re in business.
Business Cards

Any chance to network is a chance to further improve business. That’s why you should always, in all situations, be prepared with business cards in your executive backpack. You never know who you are going to meet, until you met them. Don’t let it be too late.
They can serve to clean your hands after you took a ride on the subway or the bus, or they can help you clean that mess you made when you had to eat lunch on the run and all you had time for was a hot-dog or a burrito. Extremely handy to keep you cleaned and perfumed, ready for any business meeting. Make sure you don’t buy by mistake, the bigger wipes for backpacking, as they are used for a totally different purpose.
USB Cable
A USB cable alone serves many different purposes. It can serve to charge your phone, or transfer pictures from one device to another. Moreover, it can even serve you to make friends at the office, in those situations someone needs to borrow one. Being nice to people is always nice.
This is one you need to refill on a almost daily basis. But it’s an important one, if you are the type of person that spends a lot of time out of the house. Having snacks on your backpack can help you save a lot of money, since you avoid having to eat out that often.
Ear buds

The life of a commuter is often spent at lonely bus sits or bus stops. A good way to keep your mind occupied is by listening to some music. It doesn’t have to be a special set for just listening to music, you can use your cell phone’s head-set if they can do the same function. But keep these in mind, they are great for distraction when stuck in waiting times.

Okay, this one may be a stretch, as it’s not an indispensable item for every situation. But think about it, it’s another of those cases of better safe than sorry. You don’t want to have to meet clients when you are soaked wet because you were caught unprepared thinking it wouldn’t rain. Oh look, it did… wooops!
Accidents happen. And let’s end this one here, shall we?
From that planned meeting to a surprise thunderstorm!
No, the laptop was not forgotten. It was left out on purpose so that other items could be mentioned. Items you probably wouldn’t have expected to be part of the business backpack checklist. The point is, be prepared. Expect the unexpected, as they say. The item list we just went through can help in a number of unpredictable situations.
These are items that are indispensable even if you are not carrying a backpack, in many cases. Having them stored inside the commodity of your business backpack only makes it easier and more comfortable for you to carry them around.
Go through them, and see if there’s anything you would add of your own to this business backpack checklist. But remember to take care of business and keep that executive backpack geared up for any occasion. It can help you make your way up the ladder without you even noticing it.
So there you go. Commuting just got a whole lot easier now that you know the secrets behind what’s inside successful executives’ backpacks. Trust me, not everyone will admit to be carrying every single item in this list, unless they trust you as their friends, but we know from experience how handy all of these items can be.
Give it a try and evaluate for yourself. And then let us know what’s up and what’s your idea on the subject. Take care and safe commuting.
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