Going camping with your dog can be a loving, bonding experience. Most dogs love the outdoors and make fantastic companions as you explore nature. They are also comforting as you settle down for the night and they lovingly snuggle up with you. Where it gets complicated is if you decide to visit somewhere your dog …
Can You Pitch A Tent Anywhere?
New campers will face a bevy of challenges in the woods. They don’t want to wait too long to pitch their tent. Inclement weather and other conditions may suddenly spur on some activity. They can brave the elements and still have a good time under the stars. Can you pitch a tent anywhere? That is …
Are You Safe From Lightning In A Tent?
Many campers look forward to summer as it means they can unpack the tent from storage and hit the campground. Summer also means, unfortunately, an increase in severe weather alerts. Lightning strikes cause more than sixty-five percent of all injuries reported by campers and hikers. These deaths and injuries are often when campers and hikers …
How To Make a Camping Tent From Scratch
We humans have been building and inventing things since the beginning of time. From the first lit fire to the creation of artificially intelligent robots. We have seen things that have been either beneficial for our kind or horribly destructive. Most people assume that building your own camping tent is an uphill task. I was …
How To Stay Warm Camping In a Tent
If you hadn’t been much of a camping person in the past due to a busy schedule but now you are going for one, the low temperature might be on your head right now. While you’re preparing for your winter vacations or a hiking trip to a high snowy hilltop or elsewhere, resting in remote …
What Are Sleeping Bags Made Of
Whenever it comes to sleeping, the first thing that comes into everyone’s mind is comfort. Everyone needs the comfort level to sleep well and no one wants to get up tired.Whenever you have anything that is bothering you while you are sleeping, then you wake up at least three at night due to discomfort. You can …
What’s the Most Comfortable Way To Sleep In a Tent
Going on a hiking trip can become very exciting yet overwhelming. At the end of the day, everybody just looks forward towards having a good night sleep in their camps. But many people like me feel very insomniac if we try to sleep in a new place. The best which can be done is to …
Best Way To Stay Warm When Camping
Do you belong to a region where there has been no sign of snowfall ever at all? Because I am. I live in a region where the climate is semi-tropical. It never gets colder than 25 °F. I wait a whole year for winters to come so that I can go camping with my family …
How to Keep Your Baby Warm While Camping
If you are a traveler, you will not choose to stop traveling even when you become a parent. You would love to take your family and babies along with you to the places you love and admire. Traveling is an art, as I think of it. It makes you prepare for it first, and then …
How to Increase Sleeping Bag Warmth
Once winter sets in a lot of people begin to get their camping gears ready, but for some that don’t know what to do about the cold that comes with staying out during winter, they tend to forfeit the winter camping and prefer to stay indoors. In this article, I will be giving you few …